
Top 10 Philippine Native Small Flowers

Flowers also have a variety of purposes. They can be used as decoration or given to someone during important occasions to express your feelings towards the other. Men give flowers to their spouses on Valentine's Day, and individuals give them to their departed loved ones on All Souls' Day. There are festivals such as Panagbenga Festival, which is celebrated every year; they feature flower-covered floats as a sign of celebration. This celebration lasts for a month. Flowers can also be served as food. Many civilizations eat a rose, Hibiscus, bougainvillaea, and squash petals. They're used as food additives by some. Elephant apple, Sander's Vanda, and yamstick mangrove are among the plants represented on stamps and coins.

Flowers give beauty to any garden, particularly if they fit in well with other flowering trees, plants, and rocks. Most people like to gather blooming plants as magnificent displays to appreciate the greens with an incredible range of hues growing in the sun or somewhat shaded conditions. The best choice for a beautiful landscape is to use blooming plants with a lot of growth and many blooms. If you want to lengthen the flowering season, the best choice is to use flowering plants with a lot of growth and many flowers. So, here we discuss some Philippine Native Small Flowers. Read it & Learn More about Philippine Native Flowers.


Flowers That Can Be Found In The Philippines

1. Jade Vine

Yellow, red, pink, white, and purple flowers are common, but have you ever seen a plant with vivid greenish-blue blooms? The jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) is a spectacular natural wonder that must be seen to be believed. The jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys), commonly known as the emerald vine, is one of the most valuable and uncommon plants on the planet. Its blossoms are among the most beautiful of any plant.

It was discovered on Laguna's Mount Makiling. In April or May, huge, meter-long spikes of beautiful turquoise flowers dangle from the scrambling stalks. This pea and legume climber may reach a height of 18 meters and belongs to the pea and legume family. It blooms in a three-meter cluster of claw-like mint-green or turquoise flowers. It has a brilliant property at night, making it visible to the nocturnal bats responsible for their pollination in the wild. However, due to deforestation and a reduction in natural pollinators, the lovely plant is now at risk of extinction in the Philippines.


2. Rose Grape

As the name suggests, Medinilla Magnifica is gorgeous. You may have it in your home to make it more elegant and fashionable. Its stunning rose pink hanging blooms throughout the spring and summer will provide a splash of color to any windowsill, while the glossy green leaves will shine throughout the winter.

It is known as the Philippine Orchid. However, it is not a member of the Orchid family; it is so named because it is an epiphyte or a plant that lives on the surface of other plants. They may reach a height of three meters, so make sure you have enough room for it. It also produces a delectable fragrance. It features pink, red, and purple flowers in a cluster. Because of its tiny, spherical, purple grape-like fruits it is also known as rose grape (Medinilla magnifica).

Most Filipinos only utilize it for decorative purposes; it contains sweet edible berries, but many people believe it is toxic (a myth). Some tribes consume the fruit as well as the stem and leaves. The pink lantern tree, chandelier tree, love plant, and showy Medinilla are other names.


3. Hooded Orchid

The flower's cone-shaped lip is the reason why it's named Hooded Orchid. It has long, pendulous stems and is beautiful and easy to grow. There are about 1,100 Orchidae species in the Philippines, with 900 unique to the country, but this plant is one of the most gorgeous. You gave the hooded orchid (Dendrobium aphyllum) the name fairy sanggumay because it resembled a small flying fairy with translucent violet wings and a yellow body (lip) that connects to the cane-like stem. The name "Sanggumay" also has a meaning of "Nakakagugumay", referring to its strong odour that is detectable from afar. The flower is frequently used in graduation leis and decorations and garlands.


4. Foxtail Orchid

One of the most beautifully gorgeous blooms on the planet is the foxtail orchid (Rhyncostylis retusa). It gets its name from the long inflorescence that looks like a fox's tail and can grow up to 15 inches long. There are around 100 pink-spotted white flowers on this plant. They may have little blooms, but they have many inflorescences or clusters of flowers on a single plant. Rhynchostylis orchids have stunning sprays of tiny white flowers with mild to dark magenta, crimson, lavender, or blue flecks. Because of orchid breeding, it's not uncommon to find Rhynchostylis orchids flowering in hues different from the ones we listed. It emits a spicy scent at night when the weather is warm. Its genus has four living species, which may be found on the archipelago. From December to February, the winter months are when it blooms the most.


5. Palawan Cherry Blossom

Sakura trees are known for their tiny, beautiful pink blossoms that bloom in the spring, signaling the beginning of the season in Japan. Some even book a flight to Japan to have a sight with this wonderful blossom, but Filipinos who wish to witness the magnificent sight don't have to go to Japan to see cherry blossoms because there's a local equivalent to that flower. This plant is nearly identical to Japan's national flower, although they are from different families.

Sakura belongs to the plum, cherry, peach, and almond families and grows in cold areas, but Palawan cherry blossom (Cassia nodosa) grows in warm temperatures and belongs to the legume, pea, and bean family. It's a kind of deciduous tree. Due to the virtually pure-white, pink-tinged blooms that linger on the branches after it sheds its leaves, it is practically white from top to bottom when it sheds its leaves. It's generally found in Palawan, the Visayas, and the president's office.

This flower is also called belaying in the Philippines, a small to medium-sized tree that can reach 15 meters or more in height. Because it is simple to work with and comparable to Narra, acacia, and ipil, the lumber of the Palawan Cherry was frequently utilized as a material for making furniture during the Spanish colonial period.


6. Narra

The tree of Narra is the Philippine's National tree. This tree, scientifically named Pterocarpus Indicus, is also known for Amboyna Rosewood, Malay Padauk and Andaman Redwood, and it may reach a height of 40 meters. Its rose-scented reddish hardwood is being commonly used today. They can use them to create high-end furniture, homes, and wood arts. They are also resistant to termites, fungus, and floods, and it's used in shampoo, herbal medicine, and tea, among other things.

The blooming time for this tree is during the summer. Narra trees across Metro Manila and its neighboring provinces start to blossom during hot and dry summer, creating a magnificent picture of a tree nearly completely covered with fragrant golden minute flowers that dropped to the ground at the end of the day.

Even if the blooms are only present for a brief time, they are noticeable because the entire Narra tree canopy is covered with scented little golden yellow blossoms. After the blooms have faded, flat or disc-shaped seed pods grow on the branch tips, and the seeds are disseminated and scattered across the region after a few months.


7. Monarch Rosemallow

Hibiscus radiatus (Monarch Rosemallow) is a shrub that grows 15 feet tall. In the Philippines, it may even reach three feet tall. It features mauve reproductive parts with a fuchsia core that are trumpet-shaped and spectacular. The bell-shaped petals have a striking yellow stamen column. Although it is not delightfully fragrant, Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering plant with gorgeous flowers for indoor and outdoor enjoyment that may thrive for many years if properly cared for since it can endure dry soil. The leaves of this plant also resemble those of the cannabis plant, which is why it is frequently confused for marijuana. There are beliefs that fever can be cured by this plant and serve as a blood cleanser. Some also say that hibiscus flowers, like roses, may be turned into hot tea for stomach discomfort, cancer, and weight reduction.

Self-colors, multi-colours, and binoculars are now available in an almost infinite number of colors, possibly more than any other flower. Pink flowers, salmon, fuchsia, purple, blue, orange, lavender, peach, red, and red-orange are the most widely accessible variations and uncommon sorts of Hibiscus colors.


8. Red Silk Cotton

Red silk cotton (Bombax ceiba) is commonly found on the beaches and coastal regions of the archipelago. It has five petals and cup-shaped crimson flowers. That becomes completely crimson when it loses its leaves and is wrongly assumed to be on fire. It produces a brown oval capsule with white threads that you may use to fill pillows and ropes when fully mature.


9. Passiflora Moluccana

This type of passionfruit is a climber that may reach a height of six meters, which is odd as it is the only species in its genus with leaves opposite each other. Complex designs adorn the vast reproductive portion. It features big green or yellow stamens in the center, a purple corona with white in the center, and white petals. It has a fruit that looks like a grenade and represents Jesus Christ's death.


10. Queen of the Philippines

Mussaenda philippica (Queen of the Philippines) is a medium-sized tree that grows up to three meters tall. Just like any other flower, it comes in a variety of colors, including Doa Luz (pink), Doa Aurora (white), and Doa Evangelina (green) (red). The plant's pink, white, or red portions are not its blooms. The lack of chlorophyll results in the bracts or coloured leaves. The floret is orange in color and star-shaped, and it is found near the end of the bract cluster. It's commonly utilized as a decorative plant in parks and public gardens and along roadsides.