Flower Network in China. Online Local Florist in China. Trusted Florist Near me.
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China is one of the world's most populous countries. It is located in Southeast Asia and is the third largest country next to Russia and Canada. There are many profitable businesses in China, including e-commerce businesses which require high-quality and speedy logistics because it compromises the supply chain of specific industries, especially the online flower business, since Chinese people buy fresh flowers for festivals and primarily for daily consumption. Online flower delivery business exploded, as consumers are willing to spend more on life-enriching and happiness-producing experiences through gift giving and, most likely, through flower delivery. Most Chinese love these kinds of flowers, such as Chrysanthemums, Chinese Rose, Peonies, Lotus, Plum Blossom, Camellia, Azalea, Hibiscus, and many more that represent their culture or means of communication as they believe that plants or floral arrangements can add beauty, peace, and positive energy to their home. People in China believe in superstitions or "feng shui." They considered some flowers or plants good fortune, peace, prosperity, or wealth. They loved flowers but not the white ones, as these meant death or mourning.