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The National Flower of Germany is Corn Flower,
also commonly known as the bachelor's button, bluebottle, boutonniere flower, hurt sickle, or Cyani flower. Centaurea cyanus is its scientific designation. It belongs to the Asteraceae family, Cynareae tribe, Asterales order, Centaurea genus, and Plantae kingdom.
Europe and the United Kingdom are where it was originally from.
Nonetheless, most of it is located in Europe. Its presence in the UK is quite uncommon. Because during the last fifty years, it has decreased from 265 locations to just three sites. It's an annual flowering plant. Its height ranges from sixteen to thirty-five (16-35) inches.
Branch growth on its stems has a gray-green tint. Its leaves have a lance-head form and range in length from one to four centimeters. Most of the time, flowers are dark blue and grow in plant flower heads with diameters ranging from 1.5 to 3 centimeters.