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The National Flower of Germany is Corn Flower,
also commonly known as the bachelor's button, bluebottle, boutonniere flower, hurt sickle, or Cyani flower. Centaurea cyanus is its scientific designation. It belongs to the Asteraceae family, Cynareae tribe, Asterales order, Centaurea genus, and Plantae kingdom.

Europe and the United Kingdom are where it was originally from.

Nonetheless, most of it is located in Europe. Its presence in the UK is quite uncommon. Because during the last fifty years, it has decreased from 265 locations to just three sites. It's an annual flowering plant. Its height ranges from sixteen to thirty-five (16-35) inches.

Branch growth on its stems has a gray-green tint. Its leaves have a lance-head form and range in length from one to four centimeters. Most of the time, flowers are dark blue and grow in plant flower heads with diameters ranging from 1.5 to 3 centimeters.

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10 Native Flowers from Germany for a Beautiful Garden

1. Cornflower.
The cornflower, Germany's official flower, ranks first on the list. Its scientific name is Centaurea cyanus, but it's popularly known as "bachelor's buttons" in popular culture. This wildflower may be found across Germany and was formerly the emblem of the German state of Prussia.

The hue of the cornflower is a stunning, deep purple-blue. It generally has florets forming a ring-shaped "flowerhead" and growing tall between 15 and 35 inches (40 and 90 cm). These plants often thrive in a variety of climates and are hardy.

These plants are edible in addition to giving some color to your landscape. That's accurate. Sometimes you may find cornflowers in salad dressings, cheeses, and seasonings. In addition to this, the flower has a lengthy history.

The cornflower was very special to Kaiser Wilhelm, the previous monarch of Germany, and he adored it for that reason. Napoleon Bonaparte of France was chasing after his mother, the queen of Prussia, who had escaped Berlin with her children. In one of their escapes, his mother told them to hide in a meadow full of cornflowers. Since then, the flower has had a special importance for him.


2. German Chamomile.
The German Chamomile, often known as Roman Chamomile, is another well-known and well-liked flower. This herb is often used as a sedative and is an annual or perennial plant famous for its therapeutic qualities.

German Chamomile has white petals around a golden core. It may grow up to 36 inches (90 cm) tall and produce a bushy cluster of blooms closely spaced apart. Insects often ignore chamomile flowers, so including them in your yard will help keep pests away. Additionally, certain beetle species may be repelled by chamomile plants.

There are several more applications for this flower as well. It is an anti-inflammatory with sedative-like properties often used in calming teas and other beverages. It may also help individuals feel less anxious and fall asleep.


3. Forget-Me-Not.
The forget-me-not is another native Germany flower that may make your garden the envy of the neighborhood. This small blue bloom, known by its scientific name Myosotis scorpioides, is unquestionably memorable!

This flower normally has five blue petals with a little yellow center, and it grows on huge, long stems that may be up to 48 inches (120 cm) tall. The blossoms may sometimes seem purple or even pink. They need wet soil and shade but are often simple to cultivate.

This bright blue blossom will provide the splash of color your yard is missing. However, they are a species with a rapid growth rate known to "take over" adjacent plants or blooms.


4. Lily of the Valley.
The lily of the valley is a lovely German flower with delicate, small white blossoms that hang down in the form of a bell. Surprisingly, the lily of the valley is a member of the asparagus family, not the lily family!

A lily of the valley plant will normally increase its exposure to full or partial sunlight and grow between 6 and 12 inches (15 and 30 cm). This flower needs little to no care when it is established. Like the forget-me-not, it may spread swiftly and take over a huge area.


5. European Spindle.
A European Spindle tree has bright, small yellow blossoms that liven up any yard. It may be cultivated as a tiny tree or a shrub. Every year, it bears fruit with a lovely red hue and flowers.

European spindles may only reach a height of a few feet or meters, depending on how well they are cared for and clipped. However, when cultivated in the wild, they may grow up to 30 feet (9 meters) tall! Its yellow blooms, which were first in bloom between April and May, would eventually develop into an orange fruit with deep crimson seeds as the season went on.

6. Bugloss.
The flower known as bugloss, or viper's bugloss, is unusual. It belongs to the "borage" plant family, and its scientific name is Echium vulgare. It grows as a wildflower in fields in Germany and other regions of Europe and North America.

Bugloss has bristly or tooth-shaped leaves and a spiky stalk. A vibrant display of blue, purple, and violet petals in your yard with pink threads reaches forth to set it out from the rest. Bugloss grows well in a location with lots of sunshine and well-drained soil.

7. Houndstooth.
Houndstooth, also known as Hound's Tongue, is a biennial or short-lived perennial herb that blooms beautifully from May through August in the spring. Hound's Tooth is another name for it because of the hairy and leafy stems that often have left in the form of a tongue. This German flower is excellent for enhancing your garden's visual appeal with texture and color.

Houndstooth will normally grow between 1-2 feet tall and produce red or blue blooms in tight clusters (0.3-0.6 meters). This flower doesn't need a particular temperature or kind of soil, making it hard and simple to cultivate.

8. Edelweiss.
A plant known as edelweiss, or Leontopodium alpinum, produces dazzling white blossoms in the form of stars. It came from the Alps, a mountain range located somewhat high. They are simple to cultivate since they are used to extreme environments like freezing temperatures and strong winds.

Edelweiss not only adds intriguing star formations to your landscape but is also deer resistant and often unaffected by insects. Once they develop, they don't need water or a particular soil.

9. Linden.
The linden tree is a hardy shade tree that blooms in the spring with lovely yellow blossoms. In addition to being beautiful to look at, these blooms are also naturally fragrant and will give the impression that spring is in the air. The tree often has dark green leaves the rest of the year that falls off in the fall.

These trees are a great addition to your landscape since they don't need to be maintained after they've been planted and established. They may reach amazing heights and live up to 70 years if cultivated in full sunshine.

10. Snowdrop.
Germany and many other colder European countries are the natural home of the snowdrop flower. Despite being a hardy plant, they do best when planted in the autumn and continue to grow well into the winter. They can need additional watering if rainfall is limited.

One of the few bright plants that will bloom throughout the winter months when other flowers are dormant makes the snowdrop a fantastic addition to your garden. Their lovely white petals, which resemble hanging bulbs, are delicate, winter-themed flowers that will beautify your yard.


Top 13 Florist store in Germany
1. German Blooms
2. Blumen-Koch Berlin
3. Petite Fleur
4. Blumen Heller
6. Bring Blumen
7. Flower Me Up
8. Blumen Eldsdörfer
9. Schachtner
10. Blumen RISSE
11. Blume 2000
12. Blumen Hoffman
13. The Rosarium