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Iceland's national flower is the Mountain Avens.
Mountain Avens is considered to be the national flower of Iceland. 
Dryas Octopetala is the scientific name for this plantIceland's national flower is the delicate-looking yet hardy "Holtasoley". It grows mostly on stony mountain slopes and moorland and is widespread across the nation. Because the common bird enjoys eating the plant's leathery leaves in the winter, it is also known as the ptarmigan's leaf.

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Driving through the Icelandic countryside, one of the first things you notice is the vibrant vegetation that gives the harsh terrain some color. The rich purples and vivid yellow of the blooms here are undeniably Icelandic, even if they may not be the brilliant orange and pink of more tropical areas. Due to human occupancy in the country, a significant portion of the indigenous plants thriving on this young island was disturbed. The unusual mix of geothermal and volcanic energy creates intriguing circumstances for flora to develop. Icelanders are thus highly aware of the need to prevent additional disruption, and the nation is particularly engaged in conservation efforts. Native plants were utilized as spices, in teas, and for medical reasons, and flora has always played a significant role in Icelandic history and culture.

Holtasoley – Mountain Avens

Iceland's national flower is the delicate yet tough Holtasoley. It grows mostly on moorland and gravelly mountain slopes and is widespread across the nation. The plant is often referred to as ptarmigan's leaf since the well-known bird enjoys eating its leathery leaves in the winter. Additionally, used for centuries as medicine is holtasoley. It may be used as an astringent and is believed to aid in reducing inflammation. It was also often used as a cigarette and tea replacement.

Lupina – Alaskan Lupine

You probably saw the fields of purple flowers that appear everywhere in certain parts of the countryside if you traveled outside Reykjavik while in Iceland. The Alaskan Lupine, not native to Iceland, was brought there in 1945 to increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil and assist other species in becoming more secure against the ground's ongoing erosion. But like many other alien species brought in to aid, the Alaskan Lupine has spread far more quickly and widely than anybody could have anticipated. The lupine is considered an invasive species by those who oppose the practice, yet there is no doubt that it has improved the planet by boosting an organic matter.

Hvonn – Garden Angelica

Since the settlement, Avon has been farmed and can be found throughout most of the nation. As a member of the carrot family, it was utilized as food, and most farms formerly had a garden area with some angelica growing. The plant was legally protected from overharvesting until the 1000s since it is also believed to have therapeutic uses. The plant is usually used for digestive system disorders due to its bitter taste, but it may also be utilized for respiratory conditions and poor blood circulation.

Hundasura – Sheep's Sorrel

The majority of Icelandic kids will be used to picking and eating Hundasura. The juicy leaves are among the first edible plants in Iceland's flora that toddlers learn about, even though its acidic flavor is not especially pleasant when raw. Because hundasura is a fantastic source of vitamin C, people used to think it could magically cure mouth injuries and loose teeth. Unsurprisingly, it was also successful in the battle against scurvy. Iceland's contemporary chefs like using Hundasura as a garnish or in pesto or salads.

Gleym-mer-ey – Forget-me-not

Gleym-mer-ey, perhaps Iceland's most romantic flower, is often chosen by kids and young couples and sewn as souvenirs to their clothes. The flower uses its hooked petals to easily adhere to wool and fleece and disperse its seeds, which travel great distances on the chests of sympathetic people. This little blue flower may be found all across Iceland, and although it is neither edible nor therapeutic, it retains a special place in the hearts of Icelanders.