Online florist in Italy. Online Flower Delivery in Italy. Trusted Florist near Italy.
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ITALY HORTICULTURE. Italy is the fourth-largest flower market and the second-largest producer of flowers in Europe. Flower businesses are very popular in Italy as they can source flowers worldwide, including in the Philippines and Japan.
Roses and Orchids are the flowers used for arrangements, especially at weddings in Italy. They sell flowers mostly in traditional florists and market stalls. This country also grows roses and sells these along with carnations which are popular in the United Kingdom, Austria, and Switzerland. Italians make great money in cutting flowers and exporting to the world market.
Italian horticulture gets the interest of global markets, and their products are exported on a bigger scale. The value of the flower industry has grown again. Buyers from many countries increased in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East. Italian export reached almost the sum of 884 million euros in Italian products only. The Romans invented the grafting of roses. Today, roses are imported to Italy from Kenya, Colombia and India, and these countries are also advanced in marketing and logistics in floriculture. Italy’s ornamental also changed due to economic crises and lack of managerial preparation. Even cut flowers suffered the most, heavily impacting the reduced land for cultivation. With poor profits, small companies have changed to producing vegetables since, during a pandemic, food is the most necessary rather than flowers. The leading regions in Italy for cut flowers are Liguria, Tuscany, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.
Potted plant production is still stable in production as well as bedding plants. Pot plans called “Mediterranean plants” in Italy. Italian export goes to France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Horticulture is the industry hit by pandemic but also has a good resilience increase in the export produced by Itay.