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National Flower of the Maldives: While the rose is the emblematic flower of many nations, the Maldives has chosen the pink rose as its National Flower. Starting in June and continuing through the cooler months, this lovely rose species blooms. The pink color is relatively light, and the flower form is a double rosette. The plant has a 3 foot maximum height and a 3 foot maximum width. The plant produces clusters of single or double blooms. These clusters emerge in the summer and persist until the autumn. These, however, lack the red roses' scent. Because they are susceptible to diseases, these roses are often cultivated as hedges or as borders. The plant does well in damp, rich soil. Additionally, the soil needs a reliable drainage system. The optimal growing conditions for these flowers are full sun or moderate shade. Fallen leaves must sometimes be removed since they might expose the plant to illness.