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Nigeria’s national flower is the Yellow Trumpet, also called Costus Spectabilis. There are demands for flowers and ornamentals in Nigeria, as flowers bring joy on all occasions, which is why most business-minded took the opportunity of doing business with flowers. As the flower business has pros and cons, you need to understand and balance the good part of this business. If you are looking for same-day flower delivery, you can check on Regal Flowers at This shop offers not just different kinds of bouquets but also cakes, chocolates, bears, wines, and perfumes. Some arrangements are in a box and provide VIP arrangements for those who prefer a more significant payment. Another flower shop is FLOWERS LAGOS which delivers across Lagos; this shop offers different, unique, stylish, and lovely arrangements.

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AMAZING FLOWERS IN NIGERIA. Bright yellow flowers that usually bloom in summer and fall are the YELLOW TRUMPET.
LILIES – are indigenous to South Africa and are widely distributed in Nigeria. AMARYLLIS – is a flowering plant with fascinating features. Its name means dazzle, which comes from the Greek word. The red amaryllis appears in warmer months or during spring and summer. CHENILLE PLANT – a shrub with pink-red clusters of evergreen flowers—mainly used as a traditional medicine to cure many illnesses. Another flowering shrub is IXORA COCCINEA – which grows around the world. It is a reddish-pink blossom found in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka. SUNFLOWER – this flower is native to Nigeria's resilience.

CROTON was recognized as a plant for its small yellow flowers and pointed petals resembling stars. They rarely blossom when grown indoors and are native to Malaysia but widespread in Nigeria. ALOE VERA – are most known for the jelly-like material of their leaves. They have lovely bell-shaped blossoms and can be used to treat hair loss or for medicinal purposes. PURPLE HEART – heart-shaped and three-petaled purple color is always seen in Nigeria and is considered one of the lovely flowers in this country. PLUMBAGO is a flowering plant with 10 to 20 species, mainly in mild temperatures. It has a great abundance and the potential to spread. ANTHURIUM – also known as flamingo flower and ordinarily present in warm regions. TROPICAL DOGWOOD – mainly grows in clusters of red, pink, and white blossoms that grow directly from sunlight. It is primarily spotted in Nigeria since this is a native of West Africa. Hibiscus: Like the Yellow Flute flower, hibiscus shrubs produce trumpet-shaped flowers. Although they are typically a vivid red color, the hibiscus plant'splant's blossoms can also be yellow, pink, or even white. Hibiscus grows in tropical and subtropical areas. Fluffy, colorful spheres and chrysanthemum flowers ultimately expand into more open blooms. There is a lot of color variation. Chrysanthemums were available in several colors: white, light blue, red, and orange.

Chrysanthemums that were first produced in China are now widely grown in Nigeria. CELOSIA - also wool flowers because they look similar to a plume. Celosia is a vegetable in Nigeria, mostly pink, red, and orange. SHAMEPLANT - also known as "Mimosa Pudica "- is usually closed at night and droops, sometimes pink or purple. YELLOW BUSH - this is a flowering plant but a legume. It has yellow blossoms and can be found in California as well. SUCCULENTS are in massive quantities in Nigeria! The number of different species in this country that naming it all would be impractical. With good rational support, the Nigerian government recently adopted Cactus opuntia to combat desert in the Northern regions. BABY'SBABY'S BREATH- is among the world's most muted flowers and the most demanding flowering plants. In addition to enduring the extreme heat in Nigeria, Baby'sBaby's Breath blossoms can persist after being cut for up to 14 days. It is perennial, and it does best in rich soil. ORCHIDS - can also be found in Nigeria.