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Most Russians love red, which signifies passionate affection, especially in roses. Gifting white roses to someone you are dating in Russia, even pink or red roses in any joyous event in Russia in any Soviet Union country, make sure to give a woman an even number of flowers. Mostly boyfriend, partner, or husband brings flowers on a date and presents flowers as gifts. Red roses are a symbol of love. Russian women love and enjoy being feminine. In Russia, the flower business is a bit costly because of the delivery growth, especially for imported flowers which were influenced by the price growth of gas in Europe. Tulips increased by 30% in wholesale prices; this growth influenced the Russians to open possibilities to open a greenhouse for growers.

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FAMOUS PLANTS IN RUSSIA. PEONIES are primarily given in 12th wedding anniversary gifts as they have symbolic ties, honor, and fortune. It is now considered endangered due to over-harvesting and well-draining sandy soil. CARNATIONS – many believe that white carnations will leave you inspired and happy the following day if you place them under your pillow. Red Carnations are well-known as revolutionary flowers and were used on the badges of Bolshevik party members during the revolution. In 1698, Peter the Great introduced TULIPS to Russia after his trip to Holland.

Tulips have different meanings in Russian depending on the color. Yellow means sadness, Pink signifies affection, and purple means elegance. CHAMOMILE – has been Russia's national flower since 1998. It has been in medicinal use for thousands of years and is cherished today because of its sleep-inducing and anti-inflammatory qualities. It symbolizes pace and dream fulfillment, and the Greek and Latin name KHAMAIMELON means "earth apple." LILAC – is a superstition in Russians, such as if you place a lilac twig on the chest of a newborn to impart wisdom. Some eat 5-petals of lilacs. Being 4 is the standard number, and the extra petals might bring good luck. POPPIES - represent weakness and happiness in Russia. This is a romantic flower due to its soft, fragile petals that mean "fleeting love" to Russians.

 Poppy seeds are often used in weddings as they are told that it brings new couples happiness. RUSSIAN SAGE – Sage is a tough, drought-tolerant plant in Russia. It symbolizes success and strength in character. They were sometimes used in graduation ceremonies. This lavender-like flower grows in colder zones and is primarily a flowerbed during wet winters. LILIES – means purity and motherhood from the Greek myth goddess Hera. Most brides wore a crown of lilies. Lily typically grows best in rich organic soil to reduce compaction. It has different species, such as Tiger and White Lilies, sometimes used in funeral flowers. LILY OF THE VALLEY – this is a pure white coloring and is said to symbolize Christ's second coming. Early King Charles IX received this as a token of luck in 1561, and it became a tradition.

This flower is said to grant wishes and predict fortune by plucking the petals in folklore. CROCUS – is a rebirth and romantic devotion flower due to early blooming and bright colors, especially the orange and violet found in Southern Russia. The name of the Crocus plants us from Greek mythology and transforms into a flower. This flower grows during the fall season, and you can use a slow-release fertilizer to maintain its lovely blooms. A flower named AZALEA symbolizes pensiveness and joy depending on the color varieties. It comes from the Greek word "dry," as they dislike wet soil. To give Azaleas meant temperance and prudence during the Victorian Era. ARNICA – is indigenous to South-Eastern Russia and comes from the Greek word "Arrakis," meaning "lamb skin" because of its fleecy sepals. Its roots have been used to treat inflammation since the Middle Ages, appearing in 1558 as an herbal remedy by Italian doctor Pietro Mattioli. It symbolizes protection due to far-reaching medicinal use, like wild herbs. DAISY – means friendship and honesty in Russia. The Day of Family in this country is marked by sharing daisies.

CHRYSANTHEMUMS – their color and variety made them famous worldwide, but in Russia, it means to honor and loyalty. Children traditionally give teachers mums in school on the first day of school. LEOPARD'S PANE – this medicinal herb is also named wolf's bane because its entire plant was poisonous to animals. Its roots were traditionally used in homeopathy to treat skin ailments. It symbolizes strength and resilience and slightly alkaline PH soil for best results. ROSES – signify love and passion, but in Russian culture—it means depending on the color and quantity of roses. Even-numbered roses are reserved for funerals, so other occasions must be odd. Russian dating dictates that white, pink and red are accepted to show deep affection. GOLDEN ROOT – found in the mountains of Siberia, these rare plants contain anti-inflammatory and have been used for almost a decade to treat stress, anemia, and depression. Planting golden roots encourage water drainage. VIOLAS – a color combination of viola symbolizes happiness and nostalgia; Greek myth references the expressive faces of violas turning towards the nymph after being transformed into a flower by a jealous Queen Juno.