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"The national flower of the United Kingdom is the rose,
Not just any rose. After the War of the Roses, the civil battles between the royal houses of Lancashire, who wore a red rose, and York, who wore a white rose, Henry VII chose the Tudor rose as England's symbol of peace. Incorporating both, the Tudor rose came to represent the harmony between the houses. The stylized image of the Tudor may be seen on the dress uniforms of the guards at the Tower of London as well as on the royal coat of arms. Sports teams like the England Rugby Union squad utilize a red rose."

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"Top 10 native flowers found in the United Kingdom.

1.Pasque flower - Pulsatilla vulgaris.
Bell-shaped purple blooms appear in the spring on this beautiful clump-forming perennial for well-drained soils. Later, silky silvery seed heads appear. Perfect for raised beds. There are several named forms available. The success of this plant relies on grazing, which can endure well, and is only found on a few open, south, or south-west facing areas with alkaline soils. Safe but still deteriorating

2. Primrose - Primula vulgaris.
The springtime blossoms of this popular flower in Britain are a light yellow color and contrast against clusters of puckered green leaves. In the mildest climates, they may open as early as December. There are several named forms and hybrids. Pink forms might be indigenous to Wales. Nearly everywhere in Britain and Ireland, in a variety of shady locations.

3. Stinking iris - Iris foetidissima
This unusual evergreen iris has clumps of bitter-smelling, dark green leaves that bloom in spring and early summer, followed by clusters of orange-red seeds, which is why it is often planted. Tolerant to both shade and dryness. Native to the southern portion of England and north Wales, where it grows in forests, hedgerows, and on coastal cliffs, it is most often found on limy soils.

4.Stinking hellebore - Helleborus foetidus.
This unusual early-flowering perennial has strong, dark green foliage capped in April by heads of tiny green bells with scarlet rims. Bold enough to produce a winter specimen while blending well with early perennials and spring bulbs. Numerous forms have been identified, although few continue to exist. Typically found in forest clearings and hedgerows on shallow, limy soil, with a preference for the south and west.

5. Snake's head fritillary - Fritillaria meleagris.
A captivating and well-liked bulb, whose springtime blooms of striped purple and white hang from thin stalks. They often form compact clusters in borders but may also successfully naturalize in soggy lawns. A few recognized types come in white, purple, and smokey tones. It is only found in wet meadows, particularly those maintained for hay, and is native to central southern England and East Anglia. 

6.Golden shield fern - Dryopteris affinis.
A huge, somewhat erect fern with enormous, robust, and magnificent fronds split into tidy leaflets and golden scales along the midrib. Once planted, it tolerates drought easily. Throughout the British Isles, often in deciduous woodlands, along trails in conifer forests, and in other slightly shaded locations, and typically on soil free of lime. 

7. Cheddar pink - Dianthus gratianopolitanus.
Single, early-summer blooms on short stalks are pink or light purple, with a strong clove aroma, and are well-liked by butterflies and hawkmoths. The blooms look beautiful against the low, tufted mats of thin, greyish-green foliage. Ideal in raised beds or gravel. Native to Cheddar Gorge and a few neighboring locations, they had long been in decline but are finally recovering thanks to legislative protection and scrub clearing.

8.Lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis.
Its delicate, fragrant spring bells are set off by strong, emerald-green foliage that becomes darker with maturity. Erratic in gardens but may flourish in dry shade. There are known pink, double, and variegated varieties. Native to mostly England, it may sometimes be found in surprising areas like limestone pavements and grows best in ash woodlands and often on relatively poor soil.

9.Wood anemone - Anemone nemorosa.
In its natural state, this priceless shade-loving plant sports five-petaled, white spring blooms against attractively split dark green leaves. Rhizomes from the plant grow slowly. It neatly establishes itself beneath or around deciduous shrubs and trees and around larger perennials. There are several named forms. Native to a large portion of Ireland and almost all of Britain, it may be found in various soil types and settings, and it sometimes even grows beneath bracken.

10. Field maple - Acer campestre.

A lovely deciduous tree with buttery golden fall foliage, new growth that is bright green, and green spring blooms. The leaf has five maple-shaped lobes, a beautiful hedgerow and tree. Widespread in England and Wales, our sole native maple may be found in ancient hedges, scrub, and wooded areas, mainly on alkaline soils.

The best shops for online flowery delivery in United Kingdom
-The Flower Station
-Appleyard Flowers
-Arena Flowers
-Prestige Flowers
-Bloom & Wild
-Pulbrook and Gould
-That Flower Shop
-Grace & Thorne
-Rebel Rebel
-Wild at Heart
-The Fresh Flower Company